
Alliance Exterior Construction

What is the biggest misconception about the industry?

That construction is a primitive industry/career. I've quickly gained an appreciation for the diverse people and backgrounds that are involved in making a project successful and to never judge a book by its cover.


What is your biggest current challenge at work?

Understanding the handoff that general contractors use from the time of bid to time of award and how to best communicate and retain contact without being a burden.


What keeps you up at night?

Cut sheets.


What project is your company most proud of?

Any of our projects where we have taken on the entire exterior building skin. Bullis Discovery Center with Coakley Williams comes to mind.


Tell us something no one in the industry knows about you.

I can do a mean Shaggy (musician, not Scooby Doo) impression.


What do you look forward to each day?

The fact that every day offers something new or different. Also the contagious smile of my colleague, Skutch Montgomery.


Who would you trade places with for a day?

Dave Chapelle or Elon Musk.


What do you do for fun?

Record and work on my Baltimore Sports podcast "What they're saying". (On iTunes, Spotify, and Soundcloud)


What business/career advice do you wish you had when you began?

To know that mistakes are inevitable and it is essential to learn from your mistakes and move forward.


What book are you currently reading?

"Short History of Nearly Everything," by Bill Bryson.  

We believe in building a team, building relationships and building a reputation - starting with a good idea and building on it. It is this approach that has made us the premier contractor for the building envelope in the Mid-Atlantic.

In business since 1989.



Matt Verderamo
Estimator and Project Manager
Alliance Exterior Construction